Monday, March 24, 2014

131 - 4 day short stories
Rumble in the corridor stopped.
I stepped out of my apartment, I have to go to the store.
I could see the cause of thunder. At the door of my neighbors was 32 ​​kg kettlebell. My neighbors with this kettlebell opened his door. They beat the Giray on the door, but the door is opened
outward and they bashed Giray inward ........
continuation of short stories tomorrow

Sunday, March 23, 2014

131 - 3 day short stories 
My neighbors are having fun almost every day, and variety quirks there was no limit. 
Sunday. Crashing on the landing. I'm going to go to the store. Waiting for a lullof a sudden, in the hallway butchery .....??? 
continuation of short stories tomorrow ....

Saturday, March 22, 2014

131 - 2 day short stories
A man in a white shirt, which collapsed from the window 2 floors, grunted, and scratching his by side, stood up.
I thought that perhaps it broke a rib, but he was gone.
My neighbors quickly insert new glass, as if nothing had
there. Why a man fell out of the window? Or helped him?
continuation of short stories tomorrow .......

Friday, March 21, 2014

131 - 1  day short stories 
Lay bricks under the window. Their sharp edges sticking out in different directions. 
The apartment of my neighbors was a grand booze and dancing. Summer. Window shutters on the windows open. I hear the sound of breaking glass. I look out the window and see lying on bricks 
man. He fell from the window of my neighbors with 2 floors .......... 
continuation of short stories tomorrow ......

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

130 day short stories
My favorite neighbors at first broke the stove they were renovating it. Now the oven represents a pile of bricks that was lying under the window of 2 floors.
With the successful rout the stove they staged another
banquet with smashing crockery, dance floor with trembling and other quirks.
On their short history continued tomorrow ...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

129 - 5 day short stories
He was one jump with a twist as skaters in triple toe , UCLA on the bed. Now I could safely go another room and turned to leave , but I heard:
- Hey ! - I looked .
- Hey ! Go to my wife Tanya F. ........ oh, tell me here ! !
I decided to find out where he still hangs outside of the house , and asked :
- And you then, do you think now where?
He looked at me dully said :
- Prrreo ... obrazhe ... nskogo .... 6 - and CWR ..... ati ... ra ..... 8 , that is , he called my same address and I are brothers , I said to myself that he is in my same address ......
Whom he had seen at the moment in front of him .....
they are such , these short stories .....

Monday, March 17, 2014

129 - 4  day short stories
Finally he reached the edge of the bed, but he was on the floor.
And on the bed must still be like that fit. I could not pick it up, as he had a big body weight.
I leaned over to his ear and whispered:
- And you can zaprygnut on the bed?
He replied:
- Yeah! - not known and unimaginable leap as was on the bed. I just opened my mouth .......
Continued short Stora tomorrow ...... as always ....

Sunday, March 16, 2014

129 - 3 day short stories
When he stopped, I bent down to his ear and whispered:
- Well, well, come on, well done!
And he kept going. To the bedroom had literally
2 meters. He manfully overcame the distance and found himself the bed. Now he had upload it as an it is in bed, but I can not pick it up, he has a lot of kilograms of weight. What to do? ..........
continuation of short stories tomorrow

Saturday, March 15, 2014

129 - 2 day short stories
I said in his ear: 
- Can you crawl? 
- Yeah, - he nodded. 
- Well, then crawl! - I whispered. 
And he crawled. I walked by to side elevation, and if he stayed, then again say: 
- Well, well well, come on, come on, well done! 
So he moved toward the bedroom ........ 
continuation of short stories tomorrow moreover in my profile links to other languages ​​.....

Friday, March 14, 2014

129 - 1  day short stories
My ex-husband in a state of glazing staggered into the apartment and collapsed in the kitchen. I was scared that he has partitioned a entrance to the kitchen. I walked over to him and bent. He did not speak and just mumbled. Alcohol defeated him. I realized that I did not budge and asked: 
- Can you crawling? .... 
continuation of short stories tomorrow
links to other languages ​​in my profile

Thursday, March 13, 2014

129 day short stories continues
My ex-husband and former in fact because, in one of the usual days came home, as I put it on the horns. 
  I opened the door, and he fell into the entrance hall. He then has shifted the kitchen than my movement is very difficult. I was upset. Entrance to the kitchen was closed ..... 
Continued fascinating and short stories tomorrow
moreover now have stories in Greek and Polish links in my profile

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

128 day short stories
He was sitting on the stairs. He was asleep. Half cucumber sticking out out of his mouth. Eyes were open. The way I was closed. Drunkard, who stood in front of them again pulled a drunkard,
like a cork from a bottle, and I passed with buckets.
They blocked the stairs again.
on the other will be a different story short
on the other will be a different story short 

  now I have stories on polskomi Greek, links in my profile

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

 127 - 5 day short stories
I looked up, and buckets of water, literally, came down from his hands. I barely had time to catch them. Idel me one of drunks. He was asleep. Sleep caught him by surprise at the chewing stage of cucumber on his half. Chewing stopped. Cucumber, or rather his half still stuck outside. Alcoholic sitting with his eyes open. He was asleep. Half cucumber stuck out out of his mouth ......
short stories continued tomorrow ....

Monday, March 10, 2014

127 - 4 day short stories .....
Since the I did not miss these two, then raised her eyes, and a bucket of water almost fell out of my hands. One of the sitting during chewing cucumber, apparently asleep. Cucumber and remained half protruding out of his mouth. He sat with his eyes open and slept ........
continuation of short stories tomorrow ...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

127 - 3 день рассказы
Он взял один из сидящих руку и потянул. Он летел, как пробка из бутылки:
- E!
Я прошел и сказал, что скоро вернется к воде. Они не реагируют.
Вернуться, они хорошо сидят. Я снова спросите меня пропустить ....
продолжение рассказов завтра .....

Saturday, March 8, 2014

127 - 2  day short day
2 body were sitting on the bottom step and obscured an entire passage. Before them stood their employee on Alcohol and was looking at me.
I said that I need to as that to pass.
He conveyed my request 2 seated, zero emotion .......
continuation of short stories tomorrow.

Friday, March 7, 2014

127 - 1 day short stories
I took two buckets and went to fetch water. The stairs are very narrow and inclined in the direction descent, that is, it is necessary to control the body so as not to fall back.
I went down to 1 flight of stairs, turned around and stopped. Downstairs on the last step, as on the bench, sat two bodies ....
continuation of short stories tomorrow .....

Thursday, March 6, 2014

127  day  short stories
Today, no less interesting story than the previous one.
March. 1989. I live in a house where there is no running water, and I need every day bring water in buckets from the column, which is within 2 blocks from my house.
I take 2 buckets, and go for water. Staircase so narrow that .......
continuation of short stories tomorrow .....

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

short story continued
He fell and hit his head on the concrete threshold of my neighbor. I did not have more time to deal with it and running down to work. All day I thought I arrive here to work, and there are already waiting for me with handcuffs. I arrived home from work, I go to the porch. Silence. Climb stairs. No one.
A spoil my night and day alcoholic still crowed more than 20 years before heading up .......

short story is over ..... tomorrow will be another ..

Monday, March 3, 2014

Continuation of short stories
Of anger that I'm late for work and can get out of troubles - for drunkard this, I went into the corridor. I approached alkagoliki, grabbed his clothes on his chest, and dragged as! He flew out out of my apartment, as a cork from a bottle. He collapsed on a neighbor's doorstep .......
continued short stories tomorrow ....

Sunday, March 2, 2014

He stood against the wall in my hallway, and I tried push out him, but he stood firmly, and I had no strength.
Time already passed, and I could miss the bus, and hence employment. I was very angry at him. Not only that I have not slept in - for it all night, so still and truancy can get!!!
continued tomorrow.......

Saturday, March 1, 2014

125 - 7
I opened the door and he immediately stepped into the apartment. I shout to him: 
- Where are you going? You do not see that there is not going? 
Zero attention. He walked into my hallway and stood against the wall. 
And next to him on the floor were two buckets of water. And if he falls, ....... 

continued tomorrow.......