Friday, June 5, 2015


“Today’s morning report from NASA contains a Hubble photo I thought worth sharing,” Holdren wrote in the White House briefing. “The astonishing density of stars — most of which, we now know, have planets — really does make one wonder whether there’s anybody else out there. And this is just one piece of our own galaxy. There are an estimated 100 billion other galaxies in the observable universe. Enjoy!”
As noted by Holdren, it’s images like these that really put things in perspective, and makes us question our place in the universe and whether there is life elsewhere. Astronomy is a profound science; it has the ability fire-up our sense of wonder and question our very existence. By looking into the furthest-most reaches of the universe, we are actually seeking answers to questions we didn’t know we had about our own existence. Humanity can be very myopic, we only really care about what’s happening down here on this tiny speck of life-giving sand, but the possibilities the universe provides makes us want to push the envelope, to look out further, to explore............

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