Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Promoting your article for maximum impact – It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 (… and 4!)

Published Apr 20, 2015

Download the newly updated “Get Noticed - Promoting your article for maximum impact” brochure. This brochure is a great reference for librarians who want to publish and a teaching tool to help researchers maximize the impact of their articles. It covers four stages within an article lifecycle:
1. Prepare
2. Publish
3. Promote
4. Monitor
Below brochure author Manon Burger highlights some key takeaways from the brochure in response to questions from librarians during the April 16, 2015, webinar Building professional identity: from research to impact.

50 days of free access to an article
Share Link for authors is a personal, customized short link that an author will receive after final publication of the article, providing 50 days free access to the newly published article on ScienceDirect to anyone clicking on the link. Each customized link is ideal for sharing via email and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Mendeley. Users clicking on the Share Link will be taken directly to the article with no sign up or registration required.
Finding the right journal
There are some great tips on the Elsevier website for finding the right journal to publish in, including a tool that allows you to enter your title and abstract to find a match: Elsevier® Journal Finder.

Get visual
Information abounds on the Internet about how images and other rich media can boost sharing. Try adding AudioSlides (short, webcast-style presentations) and Graphical Abstracts (visual summaries of the main findings of the article) to your article and sharing them on social media.
- See more at: http://libraryconnect.elsevier.com/articles/2015-04/promoting-your-article-maximum-impact-it-s-easy-1-2-3-and-4#sthash.4lHh8kW2.dpuf

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