Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 11

My critic requires that I wrote to you the stories better. I try, I try, but what comes out of it, it is not clear ....
So. Only real stories ......
 End of August ...... A young man stands at a bus stop. He's going to go into town for a gift for his girlfriend. The ticket is purchased. Soon will drive the bus. Everyone is waiting. 10 minutes .... There is no bus ..... 15 minutes ..... the same ..... After 30 minutes the announcer informs that the bus is delayed for technical reasons ........ It takes another  7 minutes ..... nothing ... The young man was about to pass the ticket back, but then taxied for a car. Externally, it was like a bus.
 All got into the room, sat down on the places we go .....
In the city the young man quickly bought everything and ran to the  Station to go back. The bus was the same. The young man got a ticket at the very end  the bus. He took his place. And then some sort of a woman  told the driver that the bus is cold. The driver replied that he now turned on the heating, but he said he would go smoke, so you need to open the top window.
  The driver turned on the heating. The bus smelled gasoline, burnt rubber, more than that ..... crawled blue smoke ....
  The bus was moving in a cloud of smoke on the road at normal speed. Flying column of smoke from underneath the ...
   For the bus drifted trail ..... So it went ...........
      120 km .......... 

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