Friday, November 15, 2013

93 day

Today, as you should already see the kind of anniversary , and I want to honor its offer something extraordinary , at least , I think so ...... but I trust you , so I decided to talk about this ... ....
 And it was not, not in Penkovo ​​, and Semenovka in which we are so anxious with my classmate from Good bees ........ yes ...... more complicated it is to remember, but since I promised then if you please .......
   So, Good bees I personally like that formed acquaintance, or rather even some communication, which , as it turned out later , was not exactly a pleasant continuation .... with his son mistress , in which we lived 2 days as you remember ......... but since we rode from there, and the further development of events would have to be ........ but not for good bees ..... I then realized ........
    In Semenovka , where we arrived to continue the struggle for the harvest , we settled on the veranda next to the hostess, who was kind enough that we do not have not seen , well, except, of course , the move-in and explain some of the locations of local communications, and we find out where there is a sauna , shop and who can buy milk, and then left alone , that is, we lived by themselves, but what else should the two freshmen ........ weather allowed , and we did not freeze though the room had no heating ......... I agreed to sell us milk , and every night I was crawling after him on the other end of the village. The darkness , I tell you , there was pitch as soon as the sun dropped ........ lighting up in this village was not provided , except with the village council , a flashlight, he , so to speak , was a kind of landmark , a beacon to travelers indicating their location in space .......... local , of course, and so all knew where that , but I had to move along the fence to get right to the point with milk. I poured it into bitonchik that we also gave our hostess kindly ........
 So , every night I started up this company to deliver milk ...... and everything would be fine , but intuition - a great thing , I tell you , after all , until the day I wandered for milk without any ulterior motives , and I do then , by nature, nothing and no one has never been afraid , and now , going camping , I tell my fellow member that if I do not come in half an hour , then let him , at least , look where I am ........ . and went .........
  Came out of the hut safely reached almost to the middle of the village, and then I silently behind someone wraps his arms tightly , tears off the ground and drags the outskirts , it is, literally, a few steps, I do not understand, I can not turn around to look, who is this .......... friend, so to speak, I have two pair to the destination , he apparently plans ....... and dropped to the ground, but the hands are not disengaged , but I was able to see who it is ........ and came to the great surprise ...... it was the same son of the mistress of the Good bees ......... I was so struck by the unusual event that you involuntarily , I do not know what, beginning to laugh ........ and ask what he or something crazy? ....... but he was silent, and also , apparently, was somewhat taken aback , he just did not expect such a turn of events ...... but the first ochumenie passed, and before I started to realize that is expected to continue .......... and internally, I decided for myself , that's really , figushki what you get confused , too .......... it was , and he wanted to bring his plan into action ....... tried to drop me on the grass, after a little exercise, he did it , it's clear he's stronger than me, but in my head was pounding one ...... you figure ....... then he tried to take off my clothes out of something , of course, so that I would not let ....... and by all means ... it pushes back , so we tumbled on the grass , as the two wrestlers . Bitonchik my flew to nowhere ......... besides, I did not stop to talk to him , there were many speeches, I do not for a minute they are not stopped , then mumbled something absurd , something like that , and he likes me too but it is so it does not, and that ............. is not here, so at least somewhere in the house , because there somebody can see , and that it is better to go on our porch ..... there was , he began to doubt that I had , like, cheating ........ but I see that he was getting tired , and a little weakened hold ...... yes, here is my sneaker has fallen down , I climbed after her, he pulled his hand , he says, where ? ....... " Yeah, fuck you " - I snapped , and for sneaker ........ he priotpustil your hand .... . so ..... I thought, we should try to use it ...... ........ I threw the second sneakers, and tell him to crawl and looking for him , and he obeyed ! ! ! .... and ... when he pulled away from me, I jumped up and rushed , it was power, but where to go, I do not see ....... guided lantern, and I understand that he will not climb under the lights , I'm a lamp-post but where to hide ...... I see a doghouse , and squat for it ..... it really is not lit place to come out and stand there , and I think the dog suddenly jump out of the booth ..... but, in my happiness , she was not there ...... I sit , I think, what to do , because I have to catch up with him , a piece of cake ........ suddenly I saw two men go almost there, I got out from the shelter , and to them, and there is no sneakers , steps and also did not hear only the sound of soft ...... guys heard such a noise , without looking too rushed . I'm running , and I understand that I do not catch up with them , and they do not stop , but they are my only salvation ...... then I shouted to them to wait , they stopped and looked back . " We thought the dog " - out of breath, they squeezed ...... " What happened then ? " ..... and having learned the cause of my night marathon , they looked where I was pointing out there in the dark, shining white shirt is just my " cavalier " ......... Men carried me home and said that they knew of Kent , last fall he did for a local girl on a horse jumping , and when she had time to drop by the house, all the glass whip landed ....... yes ..... I still got off easy ........ I went on his porch , my classmate was lying on a cot ...... " What do you long? " ..... she asked, and only ....... yes ...... fun ....... I asked to see if I will not be here half an hour ......... I told her about my jogging cross country, and we decided to tell the teacher , because this fellow will not leave me alone .......... we did so .......... teacher in their turn , talked with someone else , and I never saw it, so to speak , the young man ..........
    And why am I all sounded , may be in order to give an example of how not to act so as not to get a similar event , and in fact they could not be entirely fixable , that is, I mean, it's not worth at least as it talk or meet, if not known , the person it represents .......

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